Yu, S., S., Fu, J. Behrendt, Q. Chai, L. Chen, W. Chen, X. Cheng, L. Clarke, X. Du, F. Guo, N. Hultman, N. Khanna, V. Krey, M. Li, J. Liu, H. Lu, J. Lou, C. Mei, X. Qin, K. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. Yang, S. Zhang, and N. Zhou (2022). “Synthesis Report 2022 on China's Carbon Neutrality: Electrification in China’s Carbon Neutrality Pathways.” Energy Foundation China with Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland.
A new report led by Energy Foundation China and coordinated by the Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland, with contributions from 21 expert authors from nine research organizations, analyzes China’s carbon neutrality transition. This report is the second in a series of multi-institution reports that assess China’s transition. This report provides an overview of China’s new policies and energy and emissions trends since 2020. This report particularly highlights the role of electrification and associated electricity system transformation in achieving China’s “30/60” goals and identifies a set of near-term sectoral actions and long-term sectoral strategies that can be taken to accelerate electrification and power sector decarbonization to put China on a successful, low-emissions growth pathway.