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Successfully addressing the climate crisis while achieving sustainable development goals will require carefully constructed strategies to enact rapid economic transitions to a cleaner economy—tailored to national circumstances and priorities. The Center for Global Sustainability has deep expertise in country-specific analytical and policy approaches across key sectors and in support of a 1.5°C-pathway.

Learn More about National Climate Strategies

The Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) works with partners in Indonesia to advance new and unique research that helps identify key policy maneuvers to support Indonesia’s ambitious climate goals. Our Indonesia program will lead critical joint research on topics of immediate policy interest, helping advance domestic capacity within key analytical organizations. In addition, CGS helps identify financing mechanisms that will help accelerate Indonesia’s clean energy transition.

Learn More about Indonesia Program

The Center for Global Sustainability is the analytical lead for America Is All In a coalition of over 4,000 cities, states, businesses, universities, communities of faith, and others that have pledged their commitment to support the goals of the Paris Agreement. CGS works with U.S. subnational and international partners to deliver analysis that informs how an "all-of-society" climate strategy can drive actionable and feasible policy. CGS informs U.S. climate policy from the local to global through developing integrated modeling and climate scenarios for the federal government, advising on international discussions to ramp up ambition, and collaborating from the bottom up to move the resources necessary to set and achieve ambitious climate goals.

Learn More about U.S. Program