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The full report in Chinese will be coming soon!
China’s vision for carbon neutrality before 2060 demonstrates a commitment to global climate leadership and will serve as a foundation for China’s growth and broadly-shared prosperity. It can advance China’s leadership and competitiveness in the emerging green economy, support structural industrial reform away from polluting energy sources and industries, enhance energy security, and deliver significant and sustained improvements in health and human well-being as well as multiple benefits to the environment. Delivering on this vision will be challenging, but can be achieved through creation of robust long-term strategies and identification of near-term actions across key sectors—electricity, buildings, industry, transport, agriculture, forestry, and land use—along with efforts to work across sectors through specific actions in policy, finance, and technology. This report sets out the broad outlines for decarbonization, identifies key elements of strategy across the economy and within individual economic sectors, and points forward toward continued research to support China’s success in meeting its long-term goals for carbon neutrality, green growth, ecological civilization, and sustainable development.