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CGS at the Sixteenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2023

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picture of Venice, Italy

The Sixteenth IAMC Annual Meeting is a scientific meeting intended for peer sharing and vetting, organized by the Integrated Assessment Consortium (IAMC), that will take place from November 14-16, 2023 in Venice, Italy.

The purpose of IAMC Annual Meetings is to:

  • Present and discuss the state of the art in integrated assessment modeling;
  • Review the status of ongoing community activities including both multi-model studies and the activities of the IAMC Scientific Working Groups;
  • Facilitate interaction with collaborating communities;
  • Evaluate and revisit the priorities of the integrated assessment community.

At this year's meeting, several researchers from the Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) at the University of Maryland will share their research and engage in critical discussions with the integrated assessment modeling community. Learn about CGS researchers' speeches and presentations below:

CGS Participation during IAMC 2023

Tuesday, November 14

Sensitivity of Future Regional Economic Activity to Energy Market Disruptions [Paper ID: 78]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Tuesday, November 14, 2:20 – 4:00 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Emission Pathways under China’s 1+N Policy Framework [Paper ID: 388]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Tuesday, November 14, 4:30 – 6:10 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Implications of import bans on deforestation-linked oil crops [Paper ID: 176]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Tuesday, November 14, 4:30 – 6:10 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):
    • Brinda Yarlagadda

Wednesday, November 15

The Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM) Macroeconomic Module in Release Version 7.0 [Paper ID: 79]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Wednesday, November 15, 9:00 – 10:40 AM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Sustainability & Justice Implications of Global Carbon Market Design [Paper ID: 217]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Wednesday, November 15, 11:10 AM – 12:50 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Modeling key policy levers across sectors and actors in G20 countries to limit global warming to 1.5°C [Paper ID: 413]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Wednesday, November 15, 2:20 PM – 4:00 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Voluntary Carbon Market Interactions with Article 6 Compliance Markets [Paper ID: 216]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Wednesday, November 15, 2:20 PM – 4:00 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Equitable Development of Hydrogen Value Chains in Integrated Assessment Modeling [Paper ID: 303]

  • Date & Time: Poster session, Wednesday, November 15, 6:45 – 7:15 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Implications for peak and long-term warming of global methane reductions [Paper ID: 401]

  • Date & Time: Poster session, Wednesday, November 15, 6:45 – 7:15 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Residential Energy Security in Integrated Assessment Modeling [Paper ID: 399]

  • Date & Time: Poster session, Wednesday, November 15, 6:45 – 7:15 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):
    • Camille Wejnert-Depue

Foresight – Global change analytics for communicating complex science through interactive dashboards [Paper ID: 140]

  • Date & Time: Poster session, Wednesday, November 15, 6:45 – 7:15 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):
    • Zarrar Khan

Thursday, November 16

GCIMS - Integration: Reproducible, robust, and scalable workflows for interoperable human-Earth system modeling [Paper ID: 142]

  • Date & Time: Poster session, Thursday, November 16, 8:00 – 8:30 AM
  • CGS Speaker(s):
    • Zarrar Khan

Modeling the Macro-economic Impacts of US Climate Policy [Paper ID: 121]

  • Date & Time: Poster session, Thursday, November 16, 8:00 – 8:30 AM
  • CGS Speaker(s):
    • Michael Westphal

High costs of banking on uncertain carbon dioxide removal technologies [Paper ID: 409]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Thursday, November 16, 9:00 – 10:40 AM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Integrated Assessment Models meet with Macro-Energy System Models: Estimating the Emission Reduction Impacts of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act [Paper ID: 32]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Thursday, November 16, 9:00 – 10:40 AM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Leveraging industrial policies to advance climate regulation and energy decarbonization [Paper ID: 395]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Thursday, November 16, 9:00 – 10:40 AM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

Feasibility of peak temperature targets in light of governance constraints [Paper ID: 392]

  • Date & Time: Parallel session, Thursday, November 16, 11:10 AM – 12:50 PM
  • CGS Speaker(s):

For Media Inquiries:
Gail Chalef
Director of Communications and Public Affairs
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