The Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy will have a strong presence at the 17th Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) Annual Meeting, which takes place from November 4-6, 2024, in Seoul, South Korea. The following CGS team members will present at the conference: CGS Associate Research Professor Christoph Bertram, Research Manager Alicia Zhao, Research Associate Xinyue Li, and Research Associate Andy Miller.
The IAMC Annual Meeting is a premier scientific forum for peer sharing, review, and collaboration within the integrated assessment modeling (IAM) community. The key objectives of these meetings include:
- Present and discuss the state of the art in integrated assessment modeling;
- Review the status of ongoing community activities including both multi-model studies and the activities of the IAMC Scientific Working Groups;
- Facilitate interaction with collaborating communities;
- Evaluate and revisit the priorities of the integrated assessment community.
CGS researchers will present their work in integrated assessment modeling, showcasing innovations in developing new methods, enhanced modeling techniques, and improved data integration. Their research will contribute to discussions on critical issues such as climate mitigation pathways, energy transitions, land-use policies, and global economic impacts of climate actions.
Learn more about the topics and presentations CGS researchers will be covering at the IAMC Annual Meeting:
“A multi-model analysis of China’s investment needs towards carbon neutrality”
- Monday, November 4| 11:00 AM (KST) - Sunday, November 3|9:00 PM (EST)
- CGS Speaker: Xinyue Li, CGS Research Associate
CGS Research Associate Xinyue Li discusses her research on carbon neutrality pathways from 10 modeling teams with varying near-term policy ambitions to assess decarbonization strategies and the investments needed for climate goals.
“Complementary temperature effects of methane and carbon dioxide abatement"
- Monday, November 4| 2:15 PM (KST) - Monday, November 4| 12:15 AM (EST)
- CGS Speaker: Christoph Bertram, CGS Associate Research Professor
CGS Associate Research Professor Christoph Bertram will present on the impact of fossil fuel emissions on global warming, specifically focusing on carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)-at the 17th IAMC Annual Meeting.
“Setting a High-Ambition 2035 NDC in the United States: A Multi-Model Study”
- Tuesday, November 5| 2:15 PM (KST) - Tuesday, November 5|12:15 AM (EST)
- CGS Speaker: Alicia Zhao, CGS Research Manager
CGS Research Manager Alicia Zhao will present a multi-model study that examines the implications of high-ambition U.S. nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for 2035, highlighting the emissions reductions and sectoral transformations needed to meet these goals.
"Open-Access Historical and IAM Comparison Repository"
- Wednesday, November 6| 9:00 AM (KST) - Tuesday, November 5| 7:00 PM (EST)
- CGS Speaker: Andy Miller, CGS Research Associate
CGS Research Associate Andy Miller will present an open-source tool that will help compare integrated assessment models (IAMs) with historical trends, making it easier for policymakers to evaluate the feasibility of climate change scenarios and meet nationally determined contributions (NDCs).