Join the Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) at the University of Maryland as part of our ongoing partnership with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) on Monday, April 29, 2024, at 9:00 AM to help showcase Maryland’s climate leadership and outline how Maryland can achieve its climate goals through a comprehensive, all-of-society strategy and partnership.
The event will convene state and local leaders, stakeholders, and researchers from across Maryland, bringing them together to highlight ongoing actions and provide a platform for sharing insights into how we can further support Maryland’s success. It will highlight ongoing actions and provide a platform for sharing insights into how we can further support Maryland’s success. Discussions will draw from previous research insights and policy experience, identifying areas where additional efforts are needed, covering topics such as community engagement, energy systems, transportation, and urban planning, as well as justice and equity.
The event will begin with a keynote address from Maryland Secretary of the Environment Serena McIlwain and a discussion with Maryland leaders and experts on climate action.