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CellPress Forums on Sustainability: Meeting the Paris Agreement goals: where are we and where do we need to head?

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CGS Assistant Research Professor Mengye Zhu will participate in this webinar to discuss her perspectives on the Global Stocktake, referencing her recently released study in One Earth, "Bridging the global stocktake gap of climate mitigation: A framework to measure political economy progress." To learn more, download the journal article.

In 2015, the world pledged to limit global warming to well below 2°C and ideally to no more than 1.5°C. This year, both states and non-state actors have taken stock of the progress made in this regard, the outcomes of which will inform decision-making at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28). Incidentally, this year also marks the mid-term review of the progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a process that is formally separate from the global stocktake. As the scientific material relevant to the stocktake is voluminous, scattered, and spans a range of topics, there is a need to distil the key take-home messages and situate them within a broader context of the energy transition and the SDGs. To do so, this event will bring together four experts who will provide perspectives on mitigation, adaptation, finance, and the possibility of integrating climate action and sustainable development.Submit questions for panelists to consider in advance here.

  • Check out the One Earth stocktake issue here.

For Media Inquiries:
Gail Chalef
Director of Communications and Public Affairs
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